The Q150 Steam Train
The State of Queensland was gazetted in 1859 by Queen Victoria (hence Queensland) and 2009 is the 150th anniversary of the event. Numerous celebrations were held around the state, all relatively low key, but still, at least it was recognised. One of the key events in all the celebrations was the Q150 Steam Train, where Queensland Rail’s heritage fleet hauled a train around the state, travelling north up to Cairns and up the famous Kuranda Range, plus northwest to Mt Isa and southwest to Charleville and Quilpie, and finally as far south as possible to Wallangarra. The train was predominantly hauled by BB18 1/4 Pacific’s 1079 and 1089, plus AC16 221A also assisted here and there, and the recently restored English Electric diesel No. 1620 also deputised when steam couldn’t make it.
I had organised a few trips on the train at various locations, and also wanted to do some lineside recordings, and fortunately managed to get most of what I wanted. It did all nearly end in disaster though, at least for me, as the very first trip I was booked on was a segment of the run to Mt Isa, from Townsville to Charters Towers. Unfortunately for me (and my fellow travellers), the steam loco failed that morning with a blow down valve refusing to close, so we had the 1620 instead. Oh well, such is the luck of sound recordists!
The recordings here were made mostly of the run from Townsville to Cairns, and again from Brisbane to Toowoomba and Warwick to Wallangarra and back to Ipswich. All in all, they were a great series of trips, well run by QR’s Heritage Volunteers, and with the motive power ably looked after by Brian O’Sullivan and his team of steam qualified drivers, fireman and fitters. Brian’s team is very dedicated, often working above and beyond the call of duty to make sure successful trips were had. We are very fortunate to have such a group of guys who are committed to their work, and don’t just see it as another “job”, so thanks guys, and all those who made the Q150 Steam Train such an enjoyable time.
As noted above, my first attempt to ride the Q150 train two weeks before ended it dismal failure, as after travelling 1400km north to Townsville especially to ride the train to Charters Towers up through the Mingela Range, the steam loco failed on lighting up and we ended up with a diesel. I wasn’t about to be caught again, so this time decided to motorcade the next leg of its trip north from Townsville to Cairns and Mareeba. The line north from Townsville is relatively flat, with only a couple of grades of any consequence and even these are fairly short. This meant that recordings had to be made wherever there was a chance to get near one of these grades, and to hell with the consequences! Here, we are set up beside busy Ingham Rd just outside the Townsville CBD. Fortunately, we had steam and 1089 is heard climbing up out of the station and heading north towards Cairns. 24 June 2009.
The railway north from Townsville parallels the main Bruce Highway for the majority of its length to Cairns. Unfortunately, from a recording point of view, that means potential sound interference from road traffic. As noted in the previous track, opportunities for recording the train working were rare, but here at Toomulla, we were away from the highway a little. The Q150 train was a good opportunity for locals to experience steam, and at lots of places along the trip, people came out to see their loved ones on the train or simply just to watch it. Here, we can hear an excited family as they wait for their father to come past on the train as it heads north, lending a bit of excitement to the whole journey as 1089 slowly comes out through the trailable facing points of the loop and steams northward. 24 June 2009
North of Ingham is the Cardwell Range, which, while sounding promising for some good noise, is nothing of the sort as the railway skirts around it on a relatively level grade. Just a few miles north though is a nice bit of 1:50 grade, and after managing to find a reasonable spot somewhat away from the Bruce Highway, this recording of 1089 racing north with the Q150 train was made. 24 June 2009
North Queensland is epitomised by a few things, with sugar cane and mangoes just a couple of the elements that make you know you are in the tropics. Here, near Kennedy, we are set up next to a big sugar cane plantation, just across from a huge mango tree. To give some credibility to this picture, this recording opens with the sound of a local farmer going over his occupier level crossing and heading to the fields to do some more work. It was the start of the 2009 crush, so there must have been heaps to do around the farm. Just a short time later, 1089 races past with the Q150 train heading north to Tully and onto Innisfail for the night. 24 June 2009